Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Close the Asset Store window when the project has finished downloading.
In the Unity editor, from the files menu, select Open Project.
The Project Wizard opens (Figure 1-15 ).
Figure 1-15. The Project Wizard
Select Open Other…
Navigate to where the project was installed, and select the parent folder,
When Unity opens a project that you were previously working on, it will open to the scene you were
editing or viewing. If this is the first time the project has been opened, it will open to a new, unnamed
scene. Since all new scenes are created with a default camera, it won't be entirely empty, but it also
won't do you much good as you check out the various views.
One of the first things you will learn to do in Unity is to keep your projects organized. While it's not
mandatory to do so, you will find that most developers create a folder called Scenes to store the
game's scenes or levels in. You will find that AngryBots does indeed have a Scenes folder, but the
main scene was left on its own in the root folder. Unity helps you to locate various types of resources
through the use of various icons. The icon used for scenes is, appropriately, the Unity production.
In the Project view, select the Assets folder in the left column and locate the
AngryBots scene in the right column (Figure 1-16 ).
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