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Figure 4-44. Three shadows for two plants; the Carrots object is missing
Fortunately, Unity gives you a way to specify whether or not a lightmap should be baked for any given
object. While this is a sort of workaround for the Carrots' problem, it allows you to bring in objects
with their own Lightmaps already generated. This is especially valuable for architectural models where
the lighting is far more complex than you could create in Unity. If you do opt to create Lightmaps
outside of Unity, the Lightmaps must be in .ext format. The no-bake flag is also useful for any object
that does not have to receive baked shadows. Let's suppress the lightmap on the Carrots.
Select the Carrots object in the Hierarchy view.
In the Lightmapper, Object section, set the Scale in Lightmap to 0 .
Bake the Lights again.
The Carrots object appears along with its shadow (Figure 4-45 ).
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