Information Technology Reference
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This P 32 / 80 -box consists of five layers of 16 parallel elementary P 2 / 1 -boxes
with some fixed connection between layers. Design schemes of the boxes P 2 / 1 ,
P 4 / 4 and P 8 / 12 are shown in Fig. 2. P 2 / 1 -box is controlled by one bit v .If v =1,
it swaps two input bits, otherwise (if v = 0) does not.
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 4/4
P 4/4
P 2/1
(a )
(b )
(c )
Fig. 2. Structure of the boxes ( a ) P 2 / 1 ,( b ) P 4 / 4 and ( c ) P 8 / 12
Encryption Scheme
Encryption scheme is defined by the following formulas:
C = F ( P, K ), where P is the plaintext, C is the ciphertext, K is the secrete
key( P, C
64 ,K
256 ) and F is the encryption function.
0 , 1
0 , 1
. . .
x 63 x 64
x 1 x 2
x 3 x 4
x 1 x 2
x 3 x 4
. . .
x 63 x 64
v 32
v 1
v 2
v 1
v 2
v 32
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
P 2/1
. . .
. . .
y 63 y 64
y 1 y 2
y 3 y 4
y 1 y 2
y 3 y 4
y 63 y 64
y - inversion (y=x 1)
Fig. 3. (a) IT and (b) FT
Secret key K is extended into subkey streams by simple and repeated meth-
ods. The encryption algorithm F is designed as sequence of the following pro-
cedures: initial transformation IT , 12 round with procedure Crpyt and final
transformation FT . IT and FT are simple transformations performing based on
CP -box with control vectors. Fig. 4.(a) shows the general encryption scheme.
IT and FT are constructed with 32 P 2 / 1 boxes. The left half and right half of
output of IT are the arrangement of those of input of IT xored with 0 x 55555555,
respectively. FT is the inverse of the procedure IT . Fig. 3 depicts the IT and
FT .
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