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WFM ( SBAC ( ψ ))
= subsumes L ( l i ,l j ) iff
l i ,l j
In SBAC ( ψ ), the SUBSUMES L relation is the reflexive-transitive closure of
an irreflexive-intransitive DS L relation ( DS
⊆ L×L
); DS L is short for “directly
subsumes level L ”.
The DS L relation comprises all pairs of status levels
l i ,l j
( l i
= l j ) such
l i ,l j
SUBSUMES L , and there is no status level l k
( l i
= l k ,l j
= l k )
such that
The DS L relation is represented in SBAC ( ψ ) by using a 2-place predicate
ds L with the intended meaning:
- WFM ( SBAC ( ψ )) | = ds L ( l i ,l j ) iff l i ,l j ∈DS L .
The relationship between subsumes L and ds L may be expressed thus:
l i ,l k
l k ,l j
l i , l j ∈L
[ ds L ( l i ,l j )
subsumes L ( l i ,l j )
l i
= l j ∧¬∃
l k ∈L
[ subsumes L ( l i ,l k )
subsumes L ( l k ,l j )
l i
= l k
l j
= l k ]].
The subsumes L relation is defined thus (where ' ' is an anony-
Definition 4.
mous variable):
subsumes L ( L 1 ,L 1)
ds L ( L 1 , ) .
subsumes L ( L 1 ,L 1)
ds L ( ,L 1) .
subsumes L ( L 1 ,L 2)
ds L ( L 1 ,L 2) .
subsumes L ( L 1 ,L 2)
ds L ( L 1 ,L 3) , subsumes L ( L 3 ,L 2) .
In SBAC ( ψ ), a 2-place sla predicate, a 3-place pla predicate, and a 3-
place dla predicate are respectively used to express status-level assignments,
permission-level associations, and denial-level associations. These predicates
have the intended meanings:
WFM ( SBAC ( ψ ))
= sla ( u i ,l j ) iff the requester agent u i
is assigned the
status level l j ∈L
WFM ( SBAC ( ψ ))
= pla ( p n ,o k ,l j ) iff the permission ( p n ,o k ) (where p n
and o k ∈O ) is associated with the status level l j .
WFM ( SBAC ( ψ ))
= dla ( p n ,o k ,l j ) iff the denial ( p n ,o k ) is associated with
the status level l j .
The extension of sla at an instance of time will depend upon the actions per-
formed by requester agents. These actions are expressed via a set of application-
specific security event descriptions .
Definition 5. A security event description is a finite set of ground 2-place as-
sertions that describe an event and which includes three necessary facts and n
optional facts ( n
0 ).
Definition 6.
A necessary fact in a security event description is a fact that
must appear in in order for to be well-formed. It follows from Definition 5 that
every well-formed security event description includes the three necessary facts.
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