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In SBAC ( ψ ), variables are denoted by using upper case symbols, and con-
stants will be denoted by lower case symbols. We use U , O , P , A , L , E , and T
as variables that range over the sets of values in the domains
, respectively. To distinguish between variables that range over a domain
,weuse V 1, V 2, ...
As SBAC ( ψ ) is a locally stratified logic program, it follows that the well-
founded semantics [12] may be used for the declarative semantics for SBAC ( ψ ).
, where
is one of
Proposition 1.
Every locally stratified program has a unique, 2-valued well-
founded model [12].
Corollary 1.
SBAC ( ψ ) has a unique, 2-valued well-founded model [12].
Proof. Follows immediately from Proposition 1 and the fact that every SBAC
program is locally stratified.
Remark 1. Having a categorical semantics for SBAC policies is important be-
cause it implies that authorizations are unambiguously defined.
Remark 2. Henceforth, we use WFM ( SBAC ( ψ )) to denote the well-founded
model of SBAC ( ψ ).
In addition to the fixed set of terms that we admit in SBAC ( ψ ), we allow a
small number of fixed predicates too (see below). Despite the restrictions imposed
on our policy specification language, the language permits a range of access
control policies to be specified for protecting network systems.
3 The Status-Based Access Control (SBAC) Model
In this section, we describe the key components of our SBAC model. The SBAC
model includes means for specifying that:
1. a requesting agent is assigned to a status level l ( l
2. a permission is associated with a status level l .
3. a denial is associated with a status level l .
A specification of 1 is a status-level assignment , a specification of 2 is a
permission-level association , and a specification of 3 is a denial-level association .
The SBAC model includes a number of hierarchies for implicitly defining
authorizations. Due to space restrictions we only consider status level hierarchies
in this paper. A status level hierarchy is a partial order on status levels.
An SBAC status level hierarchy is represented by using an SBAC pro-
gram ψ that defines a SUBSUMES L relation ( SUBSUMES L ⊆L×L
). The
l i ,l j
relation comprises all pairs of status levels
such that
l i SUBSUMES L l j
The SUBSUMES L relation is represented in SBAC ( ψ ) by using a 2-place
predicate subsumes L with the intended meaning:
holds in the partial order (
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