Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
6. Click the Size slider and adjust the size of the pencil stroke. You can also click in
the Size field and type a number.
7. Click the Opacity slider and adjust the pencil stroke opacity.
8. Click the Blend Mode menu and choose a blending mode.
9. Click the Auto Erase option to automatically erase the color you set for the pencil
tool from the Foreground Color Picker. This works only if you start your pencil
stroke on an area of the photo that has the foreground color in it. It paints in the
background color over areas that have this foreground color within the stroke.
Constraining Brush Strokes
You can constrain a brush stroke to a straight vertical or horizontal line by
holding the Shift key while you drag your stroke in the photo.
Creating Shapes
Photoshop Elements can create rectangles, ovals, and other preset shapes. These shapes are
vector shapes, meaning that they are formed by lines, curves, and points. Vector images are
created through a mathematical algorithm, which is different from a raster or bitmap shape
that is created by pixels.
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