Geoscience Reference
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operation of the Oracle XE database and allows for connection to the involved
database. LIDS, which is a visualization of the Oracle database, is the data source for
the mobile application and concurrently the recipient of the change data from
MAPDD. The second service represents the application server for LIDS, so-called
JBoss Application Server 4.2.3, which provides authentication of the service for the
client mobile application. The third service is the domain1 GlassFish Server which
represents the application server for the client mobile operation and provides various
application services.
The MAPDD application mostly operates off-line; on-line operation is only used
when transferring all the data between the data warehouse and the mobile device
during the synchronization at the beginning of the
field survey. At the end of the
survey, only the data exchange from the mobile device is transferred by synchro-
nization to central data warehouse. The process is provided by a module which
recognizes and makes versions of the newly edited data. The name of the
worker passing the batch, date and time of the data change is stored together with
each downloaded batch (for process scheme of the application operation see Fig. 4 ).
The user account with the assigned role and therefore also the offered functionality
is de
ned for each MAPDD user. All changes made in the data warehouse within
the GIS interface of the data warehouse are stored in the data modi
cation history.
field survey is carried out in the Olomouc Region, MAPDD enables to
choose from the list of all existing stops in alphabetic order the actual stop for data
acquiring or updating manually from the list, through
When the
filters by using a partial string
from the name or by means of automatic search for stops within the radius of two
kilometres from current position of the tablet. When the particular stop is selected, a
tree of object types which belong to the actual stop opens in the left-hand part of the
basic form. Basic data on the edited stop are shown on the top of the form; the right-
hand side includes the attributes of the edited entity (Fig. 5 ). Each type of entity
(boarding edge, ID, stop lane, access space or equipment) can be edited, erased or
created as a new one.
MAPDD have the functions to register the position of spatial elements (the
position of the beginning and end of the boarding edge, stop lanes, ID position and
the position of spaces and objects related to the boarding edges or to the stop in
general), take pictures and enter describing attributes to parts of the stop or to the
stop in general. Entering of most of the attributes is dealt with by means of codelists
Fig. 4 The process scheme of the application operation (Source internal)
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