Game Development Reference
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The timing is that the burst of energy will appear first, the player falls through it to the ground,
landing on his feet, and the dust puffs up at this moment of impact.
For a single short burst of dust, set the Duration to 1 second and uncheck Looping. Set Start Delay
to 0.75. This will allow some time for the energy burst and player's appearance, specifically to
coincide with the player landing on the ground.
Open the drop-down menu for Start Lifetime and select Random Between Two Constants, and enter
0 and 2 into the respective fields. Introducing some randomness to the particle Start Lifetime, Start
Speed and Start Size adds a more “natural” look to the particle system. Change the values for Start
Size to 0.5 and 10.
Rather than blowing dust, for the dust to puff up and then fall back to the ground change the Gravity
Multiplier to 1. If you were going for a smoke- or steam-like effect, you could make this a negative
value for the particles to float up and away.
For the burst effect, in the Emission module change Rate to 0. Now in Bursts, select the +, then set
Time to 0.10 and Particles to 50.
Use the Shape module to make the puff of dust more localized around the player character's landing
area. Select Cone for the Shape property, which should have an Angle of 25, a Radius of 1, and
Base for the Emit from: property.
Test the DustPuff particle system as you make changes with the Simulate and Stop buttons in the
Scene view. Now move the Third Person Character Ragdoll's Transform.position to (0, 4, 0) and
make sure that the DustPuff's Transform.position is (0, 0, 0) and the Transform.rotation is (90, 0, 0).
Save the scene and playtest.
Energy Burst
The next particle system to add to the Grand Entrance is the energy burst (Figure 8-7 ). In the editor
top menu select Game Object ➤ Create Other ➤ Particle System and name it EnergyBurst. Change
the Transform.position to (0, 4, 0) for the burst to come from above the final landing site of the
player character.
Figure 8-7. EnergyBurst particle system component settings
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