Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-3
Use the iCloud system preferences to turn on iCloud syncing for Calendars on a Mac
PC users can sync calendar entries via iCloud using Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2010, or 2013. Start
by installing the iCloud control panel and then turn on syncing. To find out how, head back to
Chapter 1 . No further steps are needed.
Add other calendar services
You're not limited to iCloud syncing for your calendars. Services like Google Calendar, Hotmail/
Outlook.com, and Microsoft Exchange also sync their calendars across devices; most services offer
the option to sync calendars at regular intervals and, in some cases, use what's called push synchron-
ization to alert you immediately. ( Chapter 6 explains how to add a new account.)
On an iOS device, make sure that the calendar service is enabled by following these steps:
1. Launch the Settings app.
2. Tap the Mail, Contacts, Calendars label to open the Mail, Contacts, Calendars pane.
3. Tap the e-mail account linked to the calendar you want to use.
4. Set the Calendars switch to On.
On a Mac:
1. Launch the Calendars app.
2. Choose Calendar > Preferences and go to the Accounts pane.
3. Click the calendar you want to use in the list at left.
4. In the Account Information subpane that appears, be sure that the Enable This Account op-
tion is checked.
5. For services that let you choose how often their calendars are synced, choose the desired in-
terval or, if available, Push in the Refresh Calendars pop-up menu.
Windows users have multiple applications for accessing their calendars, so there's no simple set
of steps to follow, but you should look for options that enable the calendar accounts and set the sync
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