Environmental Engineering Reference
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to generate different levels of disturbance in different regions of the world as
their vulnerability changes regarding available resources and demands.
Hence, cautious and specific rather than over optimistic and generalized
approaches are preferable.
7.6 Source of further information and advice
Pabon-Pereira CP (2009) Anaerobic Digestion in Sustainable Biomass Chains.
Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen University. 259 p.
7.7 References
Ahring BK and Westermann P (2004) Redefining the role of anaerobic digestion.
Proc. of 10th IWA World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD10), Montreal,
Canada, pp. 1146-1149.
Baier U and Delavy P (2005) UASB treatment of liquid residues from grass
bioraffination. Water Science and Technology 52(1-2): 405-411.
Baldassano JM and Soriano C (2000) Emission of greenhouse gases from anaerobic
digestion processes: comparison with other municipal solid waste treatments.
Water Science and Technology 41(3): 275-282.
Berglund M and Borjesson P (2006) Assessment of energy performance in the life-
cycle of biogas production. Biomass & Bioenergy 30(3): 245-266.
Borjesson P and Berglund M (2006) Environmental systems analysis of biogas
systems - Part I: Fuel-cycle emissions. Biomass & Bioenergy 30(5): 469-485.
Borjesson P and Berglund M (2007) Environmental systems analysis of biogas
systems - Part II: The environmental impact of replacing various reference
systems. Biomass & Bioenergy 31(5): 326-344.
Brehmer B (2008) Chemical Biorefinery Perspectives: The Valorisation of
Functionalised Chemicals from Biomass Resources Compared to the
Conventional Fossil Fuel Production Route. Wageningen, The Netherlands:
Wageningen University. 181 p.
Chynoweth D, Owens J and Legrand R (2001) Renewable methane from anaerobic
digestion of biomass. Renewable Energy 22: 1-8.
DeBruyn J and Don H (2004) Anaerobic Digestion Basics. Toronto, Ontario,
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Factsheet, Agriculture and
Rural Division.
Dornburg V (2004) Multi-functional Biomass Systems. Utrecht, The Netherlands:
Utrecht University. 216 p.
Fraanje PJ (1997) Cascading of renewable resources hemp and reed. Industrial Crops
and Products 6(3): 201-212.
Fredriksson H, Baky A, Bernesson S, Nordberg A ˚ , Nore´ n O and Hansson PA (2006)
Use of on-farm produced biofuels on organic farms. Evaluation of energy
balances and environmental loads for three possible fuels. Agricultural Systems
89(1): 184-203.
Gunaseelan VN (2004) Biochemical methane potential of fruits and vegetable solid
waste feedstocks. Biomass & Bioenergy 26(4): 389-399.
Holbein BE and Layzell B (2004) Anaerobic digestion: cornerstone and workhorse of
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