HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
context.fillText ("Source: " + audioElement.currentSrc, 20 ,200);
context.fillText ("Can Play OGG: " + audioElement.canPlayType("audio/ogg"),
20 ,220);
context.fillText ("Can Play WAV: " + audioElement.canPlayType("audio/wav"),
20 ,240);
context.fillText ("Can Play MP3: " + audioElement.canPlayType("audio/mp3"),
20 ,260);
var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvasOne");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");
var audioElement = document.getElementById("theAudio");;
setInterval(drawScreen, 33);
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px;">
<canvas id="canvasOne" width="500" height="300">
Your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas.
<div id="loadingStatus">
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 600px; ">
<audio id="theAudio" controls >
<source src="song1.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
<source src="song1.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="song1.wav" type="audio/wav">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
This process is explained in detail in Chapter 6 , where we warned that
some browsers do not fire events for embedded <video> tags. That does
not appear to be the case for <audio> , but it could happen in the future.
We still believe the best bet for loading audio and video is the technique
developed in the next section.
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