Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
lovely coastal areas. It follows modernized 18th-century
roads and touches on historic attractions, recreational ar-
eas, local arts and crafts, churches, scenic views and St.
Croix's African-Caribbean heritage. Brown and white Heri-
tage Trail road signs (marked by a sugar mill) guide you
along the route. Pick up the Heritage Trail brochure before
planning your trip. You can divide the trail into several
smaller excursions.
A few of our favorite stops follow.
Whim Great House
As you pass the stone gateposts and mailbox which lead
from Centerline Road into this restored estate, it's as if
you've slipped back in time. These gateposts and another set
nearer the house were brought here from other parts of the
island, as were many of the furnishings and implements.
However, all were common in the early 1800s. They have
been donated by private families and brought from Govern-
ment House. The St. Croix Landmarks Society has done an
absolutely marvelous job restoring not only the house, but
the plantation grounds as well. An added treat is the mu-
seum , located behind the main building.
Young high school and college students act as guides
through the Great House. They are well-versed in its history
and remember an astonishing number of facts about each
item within it. They are extremely polite and anxious that
you enjoy your visit.
The estate was bought in 1794 by a wealthy
man-about-town, Christopher MacEvoy. He constructed the
Great House shortly thereafter. There are two unusual fea-
tures about the house. Because MacEvoy was a bachelor,
there is only one bedroom, a rare situation, and he insisted
upon sinking the basement into the ground and surrounding
it with dry moat rather than building it on a raised base-
ment. Even today, papers stored in the basement do not
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