Java Reference
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Writes a boolean as a one-byte value into the file.
void writeByte(int v)
Writes a byte to the file as a one-byte value.
void writeBytes(String s)
Writes the string s to the file as a sequence of bytes.
void writeChar(int v)
Writes a Unicode char as a two-byte value, high byte first on to the file.
void writeChars(String s)
Writes a String as a sequence of characters to the file.
void writeDouble(double v)
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class
Double and then writes that long value as an eight-byte quantity, high byte first.
void writeFloat(float v)
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float
and then writes that int value to the file as a four-byte quantity, high byte first.
void writeInt(int v)
Writes an int as four bytes, high byte first.
void writeLong(long v)
Writes a long as eight bytes, high byte first onto the file.
void writeShort(int v)
Writes a short as two bytes, high byte first.
void writeUTF(String str)
Writes a String into the file using standard UTF-8 encoding.
Interface ExtensionInstallerService
The ExtensionInstallerService interface handles the service install procedure. getExtensionLocation()
Returns the URL representing the location of the extension being installed.
String getExtensionVersion()
Returns the String representing the version of the extension being installed.
String getInstalledJRE( url, String version)
Returns the String representing the path to the executable for the given JRE.
String getInstallPath()
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