Java Reference
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DownloadServiceListener getDefaultProgressWindow()
Returns a default DownloadServiceListener implementation. When passed to a load
method, it should pop up and update a progress window as the load progresses.
boolean isExtensionPartCached( ref, String version, String
Returns true if the given part of the given extension is cached, and the extension and
part are mentioned in the JNLP file for the application.
boolean isExtensionPartCached( ref, String version, String[]
Returns true if the given parts of the given extension are cached, and the extension and
parts are mentioned in the JNLP file for the application.
boolean isPartCached(String part)
Returns true if the part referred to by the given string is cached, and that part is men-
tioned in the JNLP file for the application.
boolean isPartCached(String[] parts)
Returns true if the parts referred to by the given array are cached, and those parts are
mentioned in the JNLP file for the application.
boolean isResourceCached( ref, String version)
Returns true if the resource is correctly mentioned in the JNLP file, is referred to by the
given URL and version, and is currently cached.
void loadExtensionPart( ref, String version, String[] parts,
DownloadServiceListener progress)
Downloads the given parts of the given extension if the parts and the extension are men-
tioned in the JNLP file for the application.
void loadExtensionPart( ref, String version, String part,
DownloadServiceListener progress)
If the part and the extension are correctly mentioned in the JNLP file for the application,
it downloads the given part of the given extension.
void loadPart(String[] parts, DownloadServiceListener progress)
If the parts are present in the application's JNLP file, it downloads them.
void loadPart(String part, DownloadServiceListener progress)
If the part is present in the application's JNLP file, it downloads it.
void loadResource( ref, String version,
DownloadServiceListener progress)
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