Agriculture Reference
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may be affected. Crop cycle may shorten, leading to reduction in yields.
Weather extremes and stagnation of water can be damaging. Many veg-
etable crops namely tomato, water melon, potato, soybeans, peas, carrot,
beet, turnip, etc are more susceptible to air pollution damage. Yield of veg-
etable can be reduced by 5-15% when daily ozone concentrations reach to
greater than 50 ppb (Raj Narayan, 2009).
21.3.7 FRUITS
High wind velocity and hails can be damaging to fruit crops. Higher tem-
peratures may affect fruit setting. Increase in pest and disease problems
reducing the yield and quality is a possibility. Banana cultivation may suf-
fer from high temperature, soil moisture stress or flooding/water logging.
High temperature and moisture stress also increase sunburn and cracking
in apples, apricot and cherries and increase in temperature at maturity will
lead to fruit cracking and burning in litchi (Kumar and Kumar, 2007)
Adaptation is the adjustment of natural or human systems to a new or
changing environment which moderates harm or exploit beneficial oppor-
Diversity of agriculture itself is a manifestation of adaptation to cli-
mate over time. Measures for adaptation include, conservation of genetic
variability and biodiversity, strengthening of research for enhancing adap-
tive capacity, systematic collection and recording of weather information,
soil and crop data, etc.
Focused action is required for development of crop varieties suited to
different stresses like heat, drought, flooding, salinity, etc. Integrated nu-
trient management, pest and disease management and delineation of niche
areas (most ideal climate) for different crops and intensification of crop-
ping in such areas (technology, input delivery, market, etc.) are required.
Adaptation with different approaches,
1. Agronomic measures: Early planting of field crops, mixed crop-
ping, intercropping, crop diversification, irrigation and fertilizer
management, integrated management and systems approach.
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