Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
21.3.3 MAIZE
Decline in productivity is observed with increasing temperature under cur-
rent management in kharif, however, rabi season maize may benefit from
warmer winters. Decline in duration of rabi maize with higher tempera-
tures is observed with no reduction in biomass accumulation as growth
is not limited by chilling phase. Radiation Use Efficiency may possibly
increase with temperature increase from 16-21°C. CO 2 fertilization is evi-
dent (Ku et al., 1999) as higher CO 2 showed benefits. Simulation studies
showed a decline in kharif maize by 2 to 14% and in rabi maize, 12 to 41%
increase in yield. Relative growth rate and net assimilation rate increased
with temperature from 16-28°C.
21.3.4 GRAM
In gram impacts of climate change vary spatially. Simulation studies have
shown that North Bihar can be more productive under scenarios.
21.3.5 POTATO
Photosynthesis in potato is suppressed by high temperature. Tuberization
and partitioning of photosynthates to tuber is highly sensitive to tempera-
ture so, reduces tuber number and size leading to lower yield. Simula-
tion studies showed a decline in production with increasing temperature
under current management. However, regions prone to frost may show
an enhancement under warmer climate. The effect of climatic change on
the global potato production was assessed by Hijmans (2003). Between
1961-90 and 2040-69, global potential potato yield decreased by 18 to
32% (without adaptation) and by 9 to 18% (with adaptation) considering a
predicted temperature increase between 1 and 1.4°C.
Higher temperatures can alter the cropping calendar, increase water de-
mand and pest problems. Early flower initiation promoted by high temper-
ature in winter crops. Vegetable crops needing a cold climate for bulking
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