Agriculture Reference
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her discomfort through incidence of number of pest, diseases, weeds and
rampant soil erosion. If not arrested now, survival of humanity at planet
earth will face crises in every sphere of life (Howard, 2004).
Organic carbon content in most of soils is less than (>0.5%);
• Large part of India's soils are deficient in three or more critical nu-
• Soils of Punjab, Haryana, UP, Bihar which produce 50 percent of
grain and feed 40 percent population are seeing multiple nutrient
• N-deficient in Punjab, Haryana, UP, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharash-
tra, parts of Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, AP and Tamilnadu.
We had been trying to conceive a technique, which can show a way for
sustainable agriculture as this crucial juncture of pollution all around.
Now, we are of the view that soil fertility can be enhanced by adopting
following measures (Pathak, 2011, Pathak and Ram, 2013 Rupela, 2014).
• Adoption of farming system approach;
• Practice of crop rotation, mixed cropping, multistoried cropping,
• Inclusion of legumes in the system as green manure, inter/cover
crops and aurogreen crops.
• Regular addition of organic manure and other measures such as
mulching, use of enriched compost and regular use of enriched com-
post and frequent use Bio enhancers.
• Integration with Homa Organic Farming and frequent use Agnihotra
ash and Biosol special bio enhancer has good impact in improving
soil fertility as evident from the following reports.
Ulrich, (2009) a strong promoter of Homa Organic Farming, suggested
that the soils needs to be rejuvenated first by Homa Therapy. In the reju-
venated soil different types of microorganisms, starting from the level of
viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, thrive. Thus, a healthy micro-flora and mi-
cro-fauna are created. This helps in creation of micro environment, which
is comparatively less toxic to the growing plants. He further explained
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