Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
life through holograms, a short film and interactive displays at the Waipu Museum
( ; 36 The Centre; adult/child $8/3; 10am-4pm) .
Only 10% of current residents are direct descendants of the original Scots, but there's
a big get-together on 1 January every year, when the Highland Games
( ; adult/child $15/5) , established in 1871, take place in Caledonian
Park. Just south of Waipu township, there's good swimming at Waipu Cove and Langs
Beach .
There are also excellent walks in the area, including the Waipu Coastal Trail , which
heads south from Waipu Cove - around to Langs Beach, passing the Pancake Rocks on
the way. The 2km Waipu Caves Walking Track starts at Ormiston Rd and passes
through farmland and a scenic reserve en route to a large cave containing glowworms
and limestone formations; bring a torch, a compass and sturdy footwear to delve the
Bream Bay has miles of blissfully deserted beach, blighted only slightly by a giant oil
refinery at the north end. At Uretiti , a stretch of beach south of a DOC campsite
( ; SH1; sites per adult/child $10/5) is unofficially considered 'clothing option-
al'. Over New Year the crowd is evenly split between Kiwi families, serious European
nudists and gay guys.
Waipu Wanderers Backpackers HOSTEL $
( 09-432 0532; ; 25 St Marys Rd; dm/s/d $30/45/66; ) There are
only three rooms at this friendly backpackers in Waipu township. Look forward to free
fruit in season.
Ruakaka Reserve Motor Camp HOLIDAY PARK $
( 09-432 7590; ; 21 Ruakaka Beach Rd; sites from $30, cabins $50-90;
) Priced and positioned somewhere between a DOC campsite and a holiday park, this
ginormous motor camp offers simple facilities on a grassy area fronting the beach and
rivermouth at Ruakaka.
Stonehouse GUESTHOUSE $$$
( 09-432 0432; ; 641 Cove Rd; apt $80-160; ) Nestled between
the road to Waipu Cove and a saltwater lagoon, this Cornish-style house built of stone
slabs offers three brightly decorated, self-contained units. They range from the budget-
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