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play development with LIN will be taken. In other words, it will be just as easy to use distributed nodes
in a LIN cluster as using a single node with the physical devices connected directly to the node.
It is worth noticing, that the generated LDF file reflects the configured network; any preexisting
conflicts between nodes or frames must have been resolved before activating cluster traffic.
17.9 Debugging
Debugging and node emulation is based on the LDF file produced during system definition. Emula-
tion of the master adds the requirement, that the cluster must be configured to be conlict-free. Hence,
17.10 Future
The driving ideas and the resulting technology behind the success of LIN—especially in the area
of the structured approach towards the system design process—will most likely migrate to other
areas of automotive electronics. Development of a Conformance Test Suite is under way, as well as
specification for commercial vehicles using a  V electrical system. LIN itself will find its way to
applications outside of the automotive world due to its low cost and versatility. he LIN Specification
will evolve further to cover upcoming needs. For example, the future  V power supply will require a
new physical layer. here will be a broad supply of components that are made for LIN. Because of high
production volumes, these products can be used cost effectively in many applications, enhancing the
functionality of vehicles in a more cost effective manner.
One example of a comprehensive tool-chain built around the open interface definitions of the LIN
standard is presented below.
17.10.1 Mentor Graphics LIN TOOL-CHAIN
Process description : (Figure .)
. LIN network requirements are entered into the LIN network architect (LNA) synthe-
sis tool.
. Automatic frame compilation and schedule table generation by LNA.
. LDF is generated by LNA.
. LIN configuration generator (LCFG) Tool converts the LDF and the Private File (user
information in an LCFG proprietary format) to target-dependent “.c” and “.h” source files.
. Application code is compiled with target dependent configuration code and linked to the
LIN Target Package (LTP) Library.
. Analysis and emulation is performed with LIN Spector verification tool, using the
generated LDF.
17.11 LIN Network Architect
LNA is a sophisticated synthesis tool built for design and management of LIN networks. Starting
with the entry of basic data such as signals, encoding types and nodes, LNA takes the user through
all stages of network definition.
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