Graphics Reference
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Visible Objects
Implementing the CAOpenGLLayer-Derived OpenGLVidGridLayer
The CAOpenGLLayer derived class, OpenGLVidGridLayer , provides the entry point for
drawing all the video channels to the same OpenGL context. The initialization code
accepts a list of QTMovie objects for which it calculates the display rectangle. It creates a
VideoChannel object for each of the QTMovie s and adds them to an array. The
VideoChannelController object is then instantiated, and the array of VideoChannel
objects is assigned to it. The implementation code is shown in Listing 8-6.
Implementing OpenGLVidGridLayer Initialization Code
- ( void )initVideoChannels;
int i = 0;
if ( videoChannels != nil )
[ videoChannels release ], videoChannels = nil ;
videoChannels = [[ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ];
// Create a grid kColCount across
float vidWidth = [ self frame ]. size . width / kColCount ;
vidWidth = vidWidth - kMargin ;
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