Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
float vidHeight = [ self frame ]. size . height ;
if ( [ videoPaths count ] > kColCount )
vidHeight = [ self frame ]. size . height /
((( float )[ videoPaths count])/ kColCount );
vidHeight = vidHeight - kMargin ;
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [ videoPaths count ]; ++i)
NSString *path = [ videoPaths objectAtIndex :i];
QTMovie *m = [ QTMovie movieWithFile :path error : nil ];
// Mute each video
[m setMuted : YES ];
// Force the movie to loop
[m setAttribute :[ NSNumber numberWithBool : YES ]
forKey : QTMovieLoopsAttribute ];
float x = col*vidWidth;
float y = row*vidHeight;
if ( i!= 0 && (i+1) % ( int ) kColCount == 0 )
CGRect currentRect = CGRectMake (x+ kMargin ,
y+ kMargin ,
vidWidth- kMargin ,
vidHeight- kMargin );
// Instantiate a video channel for each QTMovie
// object we've created
VideoChannel *channel =
[[[ VideoChannel alloc ] initWithMovie :m
usingDisplayRect :currentRect] autorelease ];
[ videoChannels addObject :channel];
if ( col > kColCount -1 )
col = 0;
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