In Depth Tutorials and Information
Chapter 15
Ryan Andrew Taylor and Fei Hu
15.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 343
15.2 he Need for Managing Information [1] ............................................... 344
15.3 Identifying How Social and Technical Dependencies Can Relate
Tasks [2].................................................................................................347
15.4 STeP_IN Framework [3] ........................................................................352
15.5 Ariadne Framework [4] ..........................................................................356
15.6 COTS-Based Systems or Customized Software [5,6] .............................362
15.7 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 364
References ........................................................................................................ 366
15.1 Introduction
It has been said that wherever there are good products, there are less successful pro-
totypes somewhere close by. his old saying has proved true time and time again
throughout history. In the realm of engineering, for every accepted design, there
are many crumpled-up sheets of design notes. And in the world of software design
and development, for every design process that works well in practice, there are
predecessors that were not quite up to par.
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