In Depth Tutorials and Information
3. Mario Beyer, Klaus A. Kuhn, Christian Meiler, Stefan Jablonski, Richard Lenz. Towards
a flexible, process-oriented IT architecture for an integrated healthcare network,
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Nicosia, Cyprus,
March 14-17, 2004.
4. Cynthia LeRouge, Alan Hevner, Rosann Collins, Monica Garfield, David Law.
Telemedicine encounter quality: comparing patient and provider perspectives of a
socio-technical system. Proceedingsofthe37thAnnualHawaiiInternationalConference
onSystemSciences(HICSS'04) , Track 6, HICSS, Vol. 6, pp. 60149a. 2004.
5. Benjamin Schooley, Michael Marich, homas Horan. Devising an architecture for
time-critical information services: inter-organizational performance data components
for emergency medical service (EMS). Proceedings of the 8th Annual International
Conference on Digital Government Research: Bridging Disciplines and Domains . May
20-23, 2007. Philadelphia, PA.
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