In Depth Tutorials and Information
13.2.5 Stella Systems Modeling: Systems Thinking
and Dynamic Simulations [5]
Dynamic Systems Modeling is a technique used to investigate the behaviors of a
social system based on computer simulations. he system can model the structure
and behavior of a specific social system and record the response data to estimate
the situation of the real world. It is useful before new policies are applied to the real
world since operating procedures, social response, and other important information
can be collected from the simulation model without disrupting the real world. By
changing the simulation period, it can easily investigate the behaviors and impacts
of the social system for a long time or a short time. Simulating extreme conditions
for the social system and investigating the results can improve the safety of the real
13.2.6 Go*Team-Gaming, Team Building,
and Cooperative Profiling
Go*Team is a computer team version of the ancient strategy game of Go in China.
he game is not turn-by-turn, but the next turn is specified by the server as a
“relaxation time.” All the team members are shown with a partial board on their
individual screen, and all the team members are equal. he team members need to
communicate with each other to express their own views and the ideas of the board,
which is required to win the game. So the interaction between team members is
important. [1]
13.2.7 Eviva: A Web-Based Groupware
System for Communities
Web-based groupware system applications are used to support online activities of
communities. he Web-based groupware system application can be customized by
the users to adapt to their own situations. Different privileges and different work
can be assigned to diferent level users. he users can work individually or work as
a team with other users in the community [6].
13.3 RobustnessModelingofSociotechnicalSystems
Sociotechnical systems are always complex and not easy to be analyzed. However,
the robustness is an important factor to evaluate the designed sociotechnical sys-
tems. If the designed sociotechnical system is not robust, it can be affected by other
factors easily, such as environmental change or abnormal conditions. As a result,
evaluating the robustness of a designed sociotechnical system is critical for design-
ing a robust and well-organized sociotechnical system.
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