In Depth Tutorials and Information
13.2.3 Social Network Analysis: Relationship
Capture and Visualization
Social Network Analysis (SNA) (FigureĀ 13.3) is used to identify, analyze, and rep-
resent the relationship between individuals and groups in an organization or com-
munity. he outcome of this tool is the structure and dynamics of an organization
or community.
Netdraw (http://www.netdraw.com) is a typical SNA software example.
13.2.4 Leximancer: Concept Mapping
from Content Analysis [4]
Content analysis is used to extract the insight concepts of the collections of text
documents. It divides the documents into many pieces of parts and relations, which
can be quantiied and analyzed. his process can point out what are the most fre-
quently use words or concepts contained in the text documents. he analysis results
are highly reliable.
Leximancer [4] is a computer-based tool for content analysis. It can be used to
analyze any form of verbal communication. his tool can also be used to extract
insights from the historical text documents, which may have existed for a long time.
he results may show the historical, social, and culture insights when the text docu-
ments were produced.
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