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algorithm is based upon a powerful server which may not be achieved in the envi-
ronment of sociotechnical networks. hus, some distributed methods such as the
extension of the algorithm mentioned above should be involved. To tackle this
problem, the users may directly generate the collaborative STNs to distribute the
process of the update and query issues. Because some identification issues must be
taken into account, this distributed system is very challenging.
10.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have presented some privacy models which are based on STNs and
can also be extended to the applications of sociotechnical networks. Furthermore,
we have analyzed the advantage and disadvantages of these privacy models. here
are still some unsolved problems in the privacy preservation. For example, it is diffi-
cult to deploy the anonymity protocols in highly dynamic environments, especially
when the nodes leave or add to the network frequently. Besides, it is more effective
to associate privacy preservation with trust models. In this way, the trustees (deter-
mined by the trust computation) of a node can work coordinately to defend exter-
nal and internal attacks. In future research, the privacy model should be improved
to adapt to the characteristics of STNs, especially considering the privacy between
the layers in multilevel STNs.
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