In Depth Tutorials and Information
For any edge within e that matches an edge within g
i − = (
h R
If e i empty then remove e
3. Privacy Problem 3: Harmonizing Node Behavior
It is necessary to guarantee the privacy of the query, network, and result in the
interactions among nodes:
Criteria.2: Given a users query Q , the collaborative STN set S , cannot deter-
mine the original attribute values within Q.
Criteria.3 : Given a users query Q , STN S n with S , cannot determine the value
of any non-matching attribute values within Q .
Criteria.4 : Given a query result set R , a user cannot determine which STN S n
within S matched Q to generate R . Collaborative Social Network Searching Protocol
U generates query U q which contains attributes of interest
h ( U q ) is sent to S
For S ( o ) with attributes matching h ( U q )
r + = ( , ) not including o j or e i
For each e within S r
If both nodes of e are not within S r then
Remove e from S r
S r is sent to U
S o e
U uses hash values from U q to reveal matching attributes in S r
he searching time depends on the number of required criteria and the scale of
the collaborative network.
Disadvantages: he experiments in Reference 19 illustrate that all these four
criteria can be achieved in the proposed architecture under communication encryp-
tions like SSL. However, this client-server architecture compromises a central point
of failure as well as an obvious target for malicious activity. Besides, the centralized
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