Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Each customer who receives a product or service from your business should receive a re-
ceipt. This can be either a paper receipt or one that is sent electronically via e-mail. A re-
ceipt will show the customer's information, the date in which a service was performed,
what specific service was performed, and the price paid. The receipt (also called an in-
voice) can be a good place to convey additional information to your clients such as war-
ranty terms, return policies, and so forth. You can also use your receipt as a marketing tool
by adding a coupon or discount on the next repair.
What is a warranty? A warranty is a statement from your business that guarantees that the
service you provided and the part(s) that you installed will work and perform in the man-
ner specified for a certain length of time. Warranties exist on just about every item that is
manufactured, from small electronics to homes and cars. You will also dictate the extent to
which the warranty applies.
Since your business will be a service business, keep in mind that the warranty you provide
will most likely be a “parts and labor” agreement that gives the customer a reliable fallback
in the event of an issue with your work. You will stand behind your work, right? I wouldn't
use a service that didn't stand behind its work—it would make me feel too uneasy.
After-Repair Support
Once a repair is performed and a device is delivered back to a customer, this doesn't mean
that the job is done. A professional business will have a means of contact, such as an e-mail
address or telephone number, that will be available to the customer in the event that support
is needed.
There will be countless times when a customer is happy with a service provided but will
need to speak to someone about a repair or ask questions as a follow-up. A professional
business will perform this support function as a basic customer service necessity.
A percentage of your customers will undoubtedly call you back in the future. This may be
for warranty work, to ask a support question, or to place another order with you. Your order
database, which we will talk about later in the topic, will keep all of the documentation on
hand and facilitate any of these activities.
Imagine a customer calling back in a year asking to place another order for a second com-
puter repair. You look the person up in your database, rattle off billing and shipping ad-
dresses (asking for any changes), verify the phone number, and then proceed with taking
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