Biology Reference
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BAY 73-6691
Scopolamine impaired
rat; MK-801
impaired rat
Passive avoidance test;
T-maze test; object
recognition task; social
recognition task
BAY 73-6691 enhances acquisition,
consolidation, and retention of
long-term memory in a social
recognition task and tends to
enhance long-term memory in
an object recognition task
van der Staay et al.
( 2008 )
PDE10A knockout
Passive avoidance test
PDE10A knockout mouse exhibits
decreased exploratory activity
and a significant delay in the
acquisition of conditioned
avoidance behavior when
compared to wild-type mice
Siuciak et al. ( 2006 )
PDE11A knockout
Open-field test
PDE11A knockout mice show subtle
psychiatric disease-related
behaviors, including hyperactivity
in an open field, increases
sensitivity to the glutamate NMDA
receptor antagonist MK-801, as
well as deficits in social behaviors
(social odor recognition memory
and social avoidance)
Kelly et al. ( 2010 )
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