Travel Reference
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Band performing at the Festival de México, Centro Histórico
Festivals and Events
! Día de los Reyes Magos
$ Feria de la Flor más Bella
del Ejido
Xochimilco celebrates the arrival
of spring, its floriculture, and the
ancient Aztec goddess of flowers
with a week of festivities in late
March or early April. Music in the
streets, an abundance of colorful
flowers, and family events typify
this small-town style festival. One
of the highlights is a competition
for the most beautifully decorated
trajinera , or flat boat. d 5676-8879
% Festival de México
Three Kings' Day, or Epiphany
on January 6, is the traditional gift
giving day, when families gather
to celebrate. In the days leading
up to it, children have their photos
taken with the Three Kings, send
their gift wish list aloft through
balloons, and help select the
sweet cakes, rosca de reyes ,
which are served on this day.
Two weeks of fabulous
concerts and special cultural
events are held in traditional
performing arts venues, historic
palacios, and in the streets,
parks, and plazas of Centro
Histórico during March or early
April. d
^ Día de la Madre
Semana Santa procession
@ Semana Santa
The “Holy Week” from Palm
Sunday to Easter Sunday is one of
the most important festivals in
Mexico. It combines Catholic tradi-
tion with pre-Hispanic festivities.
Over a million people gather at
Iztapalapa, south of downtown
Mexico City, for the annual Pas-
sion Play. Good Friday is a day of
plays and costumed processions.
£ Holy Saturday
Mother's Day in Mexico is on
May 10 and is a joyful occasion.
The restaurants are filled with
family celebrations. Mothers
receive bouquets of roses as
presents and are serenaded by
mariachis (see p57) .
& Defense of Mexico and
Fall of Tenochtitlán
Festivities commemorate the
valiant defense of Tenochtitlán by
the Aztecs, led by Cuauhtémoc,
against the Spaniards. Brilliantly
costumed concheros perform
ritual pre-Hispanic dances on
August 13 at the Plaza de las
Tres Culturas (see p95) .
On the Saturday between
Good Friday and Easter Sunday,
holy vigils and solemn masses
are held in many churches. Later,
participants gather outside as
huge effigies of Judas and other
evil forces, are burned signifying
the triumph of good over evil.
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