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losses in production were even higher, so root yield was lower for 15 t ha -1 , sugar content for
1.88% and sugar yield for 3.72 t ha -1 . Also with other hybrids similar results were achieved in
this research where the largest decrease was in 2010. In a two year field trial on two locations
Kristek et al. (2006) reported a visual rating of leaf damages caused by C. beticola in a scale
from 0-5, for all hybrids on treatment without fungicides application the grade was 3.17 and
for the hybrids on treatment with fungicides application the grade was only 1.53. Three
hybrids showed higher tolerance: Canaria, Palma and Europe. Within the research the average
grade for all hybrids in condition without use of fungicide was 4.08, in conditions with one
fungicide application the average grade was 2.95 and in conditions with three applications the
average grade was 0.99. Significantly higher tolerance compared to other hybrids showed
Gazeta, Asketa and Colonia KWS, while most sensitive showed to be Giraf, Elvis and
Belinda. According to sugar yield significantly better, compared to other hybrids, were
Colonia KWS and Boomerang. Kristek et al. (2011) achieved the highest sugar yield using
the hybrids Gazeta, Merak and Severina.
Based on the three-year research production values of 8 sugar beet hybrids grown on
eutric brown soil in eastern Croatia under conditions of natural infection by pathogenic
fungus Cercospora beticola Sacc. in variants with and without fungicide application, the
following can be concluded:
Root yield, sugar content and sugar yield as well as leaf damages depended on the
number of fungicide treatments, hybrids and weather conditions during the growing
On variant without fungicide application (1) lower root yield of about 8.7 t ha -1
(12.45%) was achieved, sugar content was lower for 1.27% (relative 8.36%) and
sugar yield was lower for 1.86 t ha -1 (21.14%) compared to variant with one
fungicide application (2). Compared to variant with three fungicide applications (3)
root yield was lower for 15.92 t ha -1 (20.64%), sugar content was lower for 1.61%
(relative 10.37) and sugar content was lower for 3.07 t ha -1 (30.67%);
In 2010, when we had favourable weather conditions for plant growth but also for
leaf disease attack (warm and humid summer), best production results were achieved,
but also greatest decrease in root yield, pure sugar yield and sugar beet quality was
recorded on variant without funigicide application;
Hybrids in research differed among themselves, but the impact of hybrids on
production values is less than the impact of fungicide application. During the
research, highest root yields were achieved with hybrids Boomerang, Colonia KWS
and Sandor. The highest sugar content were found in Colonia KWS, Asketa and
Boomerang. The lowest content of sugar in molasses had hybrid Colonia KWS.
According to pure sugar yield hybrids Colonia KWS and Boomerang were better
then the others;
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