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appropriate). It can be expressed in the form
F v = α v f ub A
inwhich α v = 0.6generally(exceptGrade10.9boltswhentheshearplanepasses
through the threaded portion of the bolt, in which case α v = 0.5). The factor
α v = 0.6 is close to the theoretical yield value of τ y / f y 0.577 (Section 1.3.1)
and the experimental value of 0.62 reported in [9].
EC3-1-8 [1] therefore requires the design shear force F v , Ed to be limited by
F v , Ed F v , Rd = f ub
γ M 2
α vn A n ,
where γ M 2 = 1.25isthepartialfactorfortheconnectorresistance(1.50forGrade
4.6 bolts), n is the number of shear planes, A n and α vn are the appropriate values
forthe n thshearplane.Itiscommonandconservativetodeterminethearea A n at
a shear plane by substituting the tensile stress area A s for the shank area A of the
Forboltsinlongjointswithadistance L j betweentheendboltsinthejoint,the
shear resistance of all bolts is reduced by using the factor
β Lf = 1 L j 15 d
200 d
provided that 0.75 β Lf 1, where d is the diameter of the bolt.
9.6.2 Bolts in tension
The resistance of a bolt in tension (Figure 9.1c) depends on the tensile strength
f ub of the bolt and the minimum cross-sectional area of the threaded length of the
bolt.The design force F t , Ed is limited by EC3-1-8 [1] to
F t , Ed F t , Rd = 0.9 f ub A s M 2 ,
where γ M 2 = 1.25(1.50forGrade4.6bolts)and A s isthetensilestressareaofthe
bolt. The use of 0.9 f ub for the limit state of bolt fracture in addition to the partial
factor γ M 2 for the connector resistance reflects the reduced ductility at tensile
fracture compared with shear failure.
If any of the connecting plates is sufficiently flexible, then additional prying
theT-stub component based method of design. Under some circumstances which
minimise plate flexure in a joint component so that the additional tensile forces
caused by prying are small, it has been suggested that the prying forces need not
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