Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
A region that holds an inestimable amount of
natural resources, Central Alberta encom-
passes a vast swath of the province that in-
cludes the Canadian Badlands, the foothills,
the Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve and the
Where the Red Deer River Valley now lies
was once the coastal region of a vast inland
sea; its climate probably resembled that of
the Florida Everglades and it was an ideal
habitat for dinosaurs.
After the extinction of the dinosaurs, ice cov-
ered the land. As the ice retreated 10,000
years ago, it carved deep trenches in the prai-
rie; this and subsequent erosion have uncov-
ered dinosaur bones and shaped the region's
fantastic landscape of hoodoos and coulees.
A part-Iroquois trapper and guide, Pierre
Bostonais arrived in the West around 1800 as
an employee of the Hudson's Bay Company.
The light colour of his hair (when compared
to his fellow workers) quickly earned him the
nickname TĂȘte Jaune (Yellowhead) among
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