Java Reference
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System . out . println ( tab + "Name: " + folder . getName () + '(' +
folder . getFullName () + ')' );
iif (! folder . isSubscribed ())
System . out . println ( tab + "Not Subscribed" );
iif (( folder . getType () & Folder . HOLDS_MESSAGES ) != 0 ) {
iif ( folder . hasNewMessages ())
System . out . println ( tab + "Has New Messages" );
System . out . println ( tab + "No New Messages" );
Message [] msgs = folder . getMessages ();
for ( Message m : msgs ) {
Address from = m . getFrom ()[ 0 ];
String fromAddress ;
iif ( from instanceof
instanceof InternetAddress )
fromAddress = (( InternetAddress ) from ). getAddress ();
fromAddress = from . toString ();
StringBuffer sb = new
new StringBuffer ();
fromFmt . format ( fromAddress , sb , null
null );
sb . append ( " " );
subjFmt . format ( m . getSubject (), sb , null
null );
System . out . println ( sb . toString ());
iif (( folder . getType () & Folder . HOLDS_FOLDERS ) != 0 ) {
System . out . println ( tab + "Is Directory" );
iif ( recurse ) {
Folder [] fs = folder . list ();
for ( Folder f : fs ) {
listFolder ( f , tab + "" , recurse );
This program has the core of a full mail reader but doesn't actually fetch the articles. To dis-
play a message, you have to get it (by number) from the folder, then call methods like
getSubject() , getFrom() , and others. The listFolder() method does this to obtain
identifying information on each message, and formats them using the StringAlign class
from Aligning Strings .
If we add a GUI and a bit of code to get all the relevant header fields, we can have a working
mail reader. We'll show the messages in a tree view, because some protocols let you have
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