Java Reference
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more than one folder containing messages. For this we'll use a JTree widget, the Swing GUI
component for displaying text or icons in a tree-like view. The objects stored in a JTree must
be Node objects, but we also want them to be Folders and Messages . I handled this by sub-
classing DefaultMutableNode and adding a field for the folder or message, although you
could also subclass Folder and implement the Node interface. Arguably, the way I did it is
less “pure OO,” but also less work. Example 17-8 is my MessageNode ; FolderNode is simil-
ar, but simpler in that its toString() method calls only the Folder 's getName() method.
Example 17-8.
public class
class MessageNode
MessageNode extends
extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
Message m ;
StringFormat fromFmt = new
new StringFormat ( 20 , StringFormat . JUST_LEFT );
StringFormat subjFmt = new
new StringFormat ( 30 , StringFormat . JUST_LEFT );
MessageNode ( Message m ) {
this . m = m ;
public String toString () {
try {
Address from = m . getFrom ()[ 0 ];
String fromAddress ;
iif ( from instanceof
instanceof InternetAddress )
fromAddress = (( InternetAddress ) from ). getAddress ();
fromAddress = from . toString ();
StringBuffer sb = new
new StringBuffer ();
fromFmt . format ( fromAddress , sb , null
null );
sb . append ( " " );
subjFmt . format ( m . getSubject (), sb , null
null );
return sb . toString ();
} catch
catch ( Exception e ) {
return e . toString ();
These are all put together into a mail reader component in Program: MailReaderBean .
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