Java Reference
In-Depth Information
// create an MenuIntl object, tell it to show up
new MenuIntl (). setVisible ( true
true );
/** Construct the object including its GUI */
public MenuIntl () {
super ( "MenuIntlTest" );
JMenuItem mi ;
// used in various spots
Container cp = getContentPane ();
cp . setLayout ( new
new FlowLayout ());
JLabel lab ;
cp . add ( lab = new
new JLabel ());
setDefaultCloseOperation ( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
JMenuBar mb = new
new JMenuBar ();
setJMenuBar ( mb );
ResourceBundle b = ResourceBundle . getBundle ( "i18n.Widgets" );
String titlebar ;
try { titlebar = b . getString ( "program" + ".title" ); }
catch ( MissingResourceException e ) { titlebar = "MenuIntl Demo" ; }
setTitle ( titlebar );
String message ;
try { message = b . getString ( "program" + ".message" ); }
catch ( MissingResourceException e ) {
message = "Welcome to the world of Java" ;
lab . setText ( message );
JMenu fm = mkMenu ( b , "file" );
// In finished code there would be a call to
// mi.addActionListener(...) after *each* of
// these mkMenuItem calls!
fm . add ( mi = mkMenuItem ( b , "file" , "open" ));
fm . add ( mi = mkMenuItem ( b , "file" , "new" ));
fm . add ( mi = mkMenuItem ( b , "file" , "save" ));
fm . add ( mi = mkMenuItem ( b , "file" , "exit" ));
mi . addActionListener ( new
new ActionListener () {
public void
void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
MenuIntl . this . setVisible ( false
false );
MenuIntl . this . dispose ();
System . exit ( 0 );
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