Java Reference
In-Depth Information
# These are for MessageFormatDemo
filedialogs.cantopen.formta=A {0,time} sobre {0,date}, no pude abrir la fila {1}.
Then MessageFormatDemo still needs to have a ResourceBundle and get the format string
from the bundle. Here is MessageFormatDemoIntl :
public class
class MessageFormatDemoIntl
MessageFormatDemoIntl {
private static
static Date date = new
new Date ();
private static
static String fileName = "myfile.txt" ;
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle . getBundle ( "Widgets" );
String format = rb . getString ( "filedialogs.cantopen.format" );
String result = MessageFormat . format ( format , date , fileName );
System . out . println ( result );
static void
Running it might produce the following output in the default locale:
$ java i18n.MessageFormatDemoIntl
At 9:10:13 PM on 23-Feb-2014, myfile.txt could not be opened.
MessageFormat is more complex than this; see the javadoc page for more details and ex-
Program: MenuIntl
MenuIntl (shown in Example 15-1 ) is a complete version of the menu code presented in
Creating a Menu with I18N Resources .
Example 15-1.
public class
class MenuIntl
MenuIntl extends
extends JFrame {
/** "main program" method - construct and show */
public static
static void
void main ( String [] av ) {
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