Java Reference
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private final
final JTextArea textArea ;
private final
final StringBuilder sb = new
new StringBuilder ();
public TextAreaOutputStream ( final
final JTextArea textArea ) {
this . textArea = textArea ;
public void
void flush (){ }
public void
void close (){ }
public void
void write ( int
int b ) throws
throws IOException {
iif ( b == '\r' )
return ;
iif ( b == '\n' ) {
textArea . append ( sb . toString ());
sb . setLength ( 0 );
sb . append (( char
char ) b );
As with Writer , we only really need to override three methods; all the others (e.g., Sys-
tem.out.println() ) ultimately call down to this write(int) method. The class shown
here uses a StringBuffer to build up a line of text and, when a line ending comes along, ap-
pends the line to the JTextArea and resets the StringBuffer . A \r is ignored because on
UNIX a \n alone ends a line and on MS-DOS-based systems a \r\n ends a line.
It's not reprinted here, but there is a JUnit test for this class as well. One of the tests is simil-
ar to the one for TextAreaWriter , and the second uses System.setOut() followed by Sys-
tem.out.println() to ensure that everything works as expected. It does.
Here's a longer example of using this. I have an existing console-based Check-
OpenMailRelay program (derived from the mail sender in Sending Email: For Real ), that I
use to test whether remote servers are willing to accept mail from unknown third parties and
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