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As I may have said in Avoiding the Need for Debuggers with Unit Testing , no code is com-
plete until it has a working test. Here is the JUnit test for TextAreaWriter :
public class
class TextAreaWriterTest
TextAreaWriterTest extends
extends TestCase {
private static
static final
final String HELLO_WORLD = "Hello World" ;
JTextArea ta = new
new JTextArea ();
public void
void testOne () {
PrintWriter x = new
new PrintWriter ( new
new TextAreaWriter ( ta ));
x . print ( "Hello" );
x . print ( ' ' );
x . print ( "World" );
x . close ();
assertEquals ( HELLO_WORLD , ta . getText ());
Note that my test creates a visual component but never uses it in a GUI. Because this is the
first time we've seen this technique, it's worth mentioning that it is acceptable (on all plat-
forms I've tried it) to have a JUnit test that creates a Component subclass without setting it
visible, if you only want to test methods that don't depend on actual graphics being dis-
played, as we're doing here. On Mac OS X, this may cause a brief delay because it creates a
“running Java program” icon, but it seems otherwise harmless.
The OutputStream case is just a tiny bit more involved, but worth doing so we can re-use
legacy code that writes to System.out . Here is TextAreaOutputStream :
package com . darwinsys . io ;
import ;
import ;
import javax.swing.JTextArea
javax.swing.JTextArea ;
* Simple way to "print" to a JTextArea; just say
* PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new TextAreaOutputStream(myTextArea));
* Then out.println() et all will all appear in the TextArea.
public final
final class
class TextAreaOutputStream
TextAreaOutputStream extends
extends OutputStream {
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