Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Action Handling: Making Buttons Work
Your button doesn't do anything when the user presses it.
Add an ActionListener to do the work.
Event listeners come in about half a dozen different types. The most common is the Ac-
tionListener , used by push buttons, text fields, and certain other components to indicate
that the user has performed a high-level action, such as activating a push button or pressing
Enter in a text field. The paradigm (shown in Figure 14-3 ) is that you create a Listener ob-
ject, register it with the event source (such as the push button), and wait. Later, when and if
the user pushes the button, the button will call your Listener .
Figure 14-3. AWT listener relationships
Here's some simple code in which pushing a button causes the program to print a friendly
/** Demonstrate simple use of Button */
public class
class ButtonDemo
ButtonDemo extends
extends JFrame implements
implements ActionListener {
b1 ;
public ButtonDemo () {
setLayout ( new
new FlowLayout ());
add ( b1 = new
new JButton ( "A button" ));
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