Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The time difference is the number of years multiplied by 365, plus the number of leap days
between the two dates (in the years 1904, 1908, . . . , 1968)—i.e., 19 days.
The integer that we read from the server is a C-language unsigned int . But Java doesn't
provide an unsigned integer type; normally when you need an unsigned number, you use the
next-larger integer type, which would be long . But Java also doesn't give us a method to
read an unsigned integer from a data stream. The DataInputStream method readInt()
reads Java-style signed integers. There are readUnsignedByte() methods and
readUnsignedShort() methods, but no readUnsignedInt() method. Accordingly, we syn-
thesize the ability to read an unsigned int (which must be stored in a long , or else you'd
lose the signed bit and be back where you started from) by reading unsigned bytes and reas-
sembling them using Java's bit-shifting operators:
At the end of the code, we use the new date/time API (see Chapter 6 ) to construct and print a
LocalDateTime object to show the current date and time on the local (client) machine:
$ java network.RDateClient dalai
Remote time is 3600895637
BASE_DIFF is 2208988800
Time diff == 1391906837
Time on dalai is Sat Feb 08 19:47:17 EST 2014
Local date/time = 2014-02-08T19:47:17.703
The name dalai is the hostname of one of my OpenBSD Unix computers. Looking at the out-
put, you can see that the server agrees within a second. So the date calculation code in
Example 13-6 is probably correct. This protocol is commonly known as rdate , so the client
code is called RDateClient .
Example 13-6.
public class
RDateClient {
/** The TCP port for the binary time service. */
class RDateClient
public static
short TIME_PORT = 37 ;
/** Seconds between 1970, the time base for Date(long) and Time.
* Factors in leap years (up to 2100), hours, minutes, and seconds.
* Subtract 1 day for 1900, add in 1/2 day for 1969/1970.
static final
final short
protected static
static final
final long
long BASE_DAYS =
( long
long )(( 1970 - 1900 )* 365 + ( 1970 - 1900 - 1 )/ 4 );
/* Seconds since 1970 */
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