Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public static
static final
final long
long BASE_DIFF = ( BASE_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60 );
/** Convert from seconds to milliseconds */
public static
static final
final int
int MSEC = 1000 ;
public static
void main ( String [] argv ) {
String hostName ;
iif ( argv . length == 0 )
hostName = "localhost" ;
static void
hostName = argv [ 0 ];
try {
Socket sock = new
new Socket ( hostName , TIME_PORT );
DataInputStream is = new
BufferedInputStream ( sock . getInputStream ()));
// Read 4 bytes from the network, unsigned.
// Do it yourself; there is no readUnsignedInt().
// Long is 8 bytes on Java, but we are using the
// existing time protocol, which uses 4-byte ints.
new DataInputStream ( new
long remoteTime = (
(( long
long )( is . readUnsignedByte ()) << 24 ) |
(( long
long )( is . readUnsignedByte ()) << 16 ) |
(( long
long )( is . readUnsignedByte ()) << 8 ) |
(( long
long )( is . readUnsignedByte ()) << 0 ));
System . out . println ( "Remote time is " + remoteTime );
System . out . println ( "BASE_DIFF is " + BASE_DIFF );
System . out . println ( "Time diff == " + ( remoteTime - BASE_DIFF ));
Date d = new
new Date (( remoteTime - BASE_DIFF ) * MSEC );
System . out . println ( "Time on " + hostName + " is " + d . toString ());
System . out . println ( "Local date/time = " + LocalDateTime . now ());
} catch
catch ( IOException e ) {
System . err . println ( e );
Reading and Writing Serialized Data
Having connected, you wish to transfer serialized object data.
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