Java Reference
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3. Create an array of Kind enumerations for the things you want to watch (in our ex-
ample we watch for files being created or modified).
4. Register the WatchService and the Kind array onto the Path object.
5. From then on, you wait for the watcher to notify you. A typical implementation is to
enter a while (true) loop calling the WatchService 's take() method to get an
“event,” and interpret these to figure out “what just happened.”
Example 11-1 is a program that does just that. In addition, it starts another thread to actually
do some filesystem operations, so that you can see the Watcher Service operating.
Example 11-1. src/main/java/nio/
public class
class FileWatchServiceDemo
FileWatchServiceDemo {
final static
static String tempDirPath = "/tmp" ;
static Thread mainRunner ;
static volatile
volatile boolean
boolean done = false
false ;
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
throws Throwable {
String tempDirPath = "/tmp" ;
System . out . println ( "Starting watcher for " + tempDirPath );
Path p = Paths . get ( tempDirPath );
WatchService watcher =
FileSystems . getDefault (). newWatchService ();
Kind <?>[] watchKinds = { ENTRY_CREATE , ENTRY_MODIFY };
p . register ( watcher , watchKinds );
mainRunner = Thread . currentThread ();
new Thread ( new
new DemoService ()). start ();
while (! done ) {
WatchKey key = watcher . take ();
for ( WatchEvent <?> e : key . pollEvents ()) {
System . out . println (
"Saw event " + e . kind () + " on " +
e . context ());
iif ( e . context (). toString (). equals ( "MyFileSema.for" )) {
System . out . println ( "Semaphore found, shutting down watcher" );
done = true
true ;
iif (! key . reset ()) {
System . err . println ( "Key failed to reset!" );
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