Java Reference
In-Depth Information
static class
class DemoService
DemoService implements
implements Runnable {
public void
void run () {
try {
Thread . sleep ( 1000 );
System . out . println ( "Creating file" );
new File ( tempDirPath + "/MyFileSema.for" ). createNewFile ();
Thread . sleep ( 1000 );
System . out . println ( "Stopping WatcherServiceDemo" );
done = true
true ;
Thread . sleep ( 1500 );
mainRunner . interrupt ();
} catch
catch ( Exception e ) {
System . out . println ( "Caught UNEXPECTED " + e );
Program: Find
The program shown in Example 11-2 implements a small subset of the Windows Find Files
dialog or the Unix find command. However, it has much of the structure needed to build a
more complete version of either of these. It uses a custom filename filter controlled by the -n
command-line option, which is parsed using my GetOpt (see Parsing Command-Line Argu-
ments ) . It has a hook for filtering by file size, whose implementation is left as an exercise for
the reader.
Example 11-2. src/main/java/dir_file/
* Find - find files by name, size, or other criteria. Non-GUI version.
public class
Find {
/** Main program */
class Find
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
Find finder = new
static void
new Find ();
GetOpt argHandler = new
new GetOpt ( "n:s:" );
int c ;
while (( c = argHandler . getopt ( args )) != GetOpt . DONE ) {
switch ( c ) {
case 'n' : finder . filter . setNameFilter ( argHandler . optarg ()); break
break ;
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