Java Reference
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If you simply cast a floating value to an integer value, Java truncates the value. A value like
3.999999 cast to an int or long becomes 3, not 4. To round floating-point numbers properly,
use Math.round() . It has two overloads: if you give it a double , you get a long result; if
you give it a float , you get an int .
What if you don't like the rounding rules used by round ? If, for some bizarre reason, you
wanted to round numbers greater than 0.54 instead of the normal 0.5, you could write your
own version of round() :
public class
Round {
/** We round a number up if its fraction exceeds this threshold. */
class Round
public static
static final
final double
double THRESHOLD = 0.54 ;
* Round floating values to integers.
* @return the closest int to the argument.
* @param d A non-negative values to be rounded.
public static
static int
int round ( double
double d ) {
return ( int
int ) Math . floor ( d + 1.0 - THRESHOLD );
public static
static void
void main ( String [] argv ) {
for ( double
double d = 0.1 ; d <= 1.0 ; d += 0.05 ) {
System . out . println ( "My way: " + d + "-> " + round ( d ));
System . out . println ( "Math way:" + d + "-> " + Math . round ( d ));
If, on the other hand, you simply want to display a number with less precision than it nor-
mally gets, you probably want to use a DecimalFormat object or a Formatter object, which
we look at in Formatting Numbers .
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