Java Reference
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Formatting Numbers
You need to format numbers.
Use a NumberFormat subclass.
Java did not originally provide C-style printf / scanf functions because they tend to mix to-
gether formatting and input/output in a very inflexible way. Programs using printf / scanf can
be hard to internationalize, for example. Of course, “by popular demand,” Java did eventu-
ally introduce printf() , which along with String.format() is now standard in Java; see
Printing with Formatter and printf .
Java has an entire package, java.text , full of formatting routines as general and flexible as
anything you might imagine. As with printf , it has an involved formatting language, de-
scribed in the javadoc page. Consider the presentation of long numbers. In North America,
the number one thousand twenty-four and a quarter is written 1,024.25, in most of Europe it
is 1 024,25, and in some other part of the world it might be written 1.024,25. Not to mention
how currencies and percentages are formatted! Trying to keep track of this yourself would
drive the average small software shop around the bend rather quickly.
Fortunately, the java.text package includes a Locale class, and, furthermore, the Java
runtime automatically sets a default Locale object based on the user's environment; (on the
Macintosh and Windows, the user's preferences, and on Unix, the user's environment vari-
ables). (To provide a nondefault locale, see Using a Particular Locale .) To provide formatters
customized for numbers, currencies, and percentages, the NumberFormat class has static fact-
ory methods that normally return a DecimalFormat with the correct pattern already instanti-
ated. A DecimalFormat object appropriate to the user's locale can be obtained from the fact-
ory method NumberFormat.getInstance() and manipulated using set methods. Surpris-
ingly, the method setMinimumIntegerDigits() turns out to be the easy way to generate a
number format with leading zeros. Here is an example:
public class
NumFormat2 {
/** A number to format */
class NumFormat2
public static
static final
final double
double data [] = {
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