Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
This tool scales on the axis or plane you select but also scales
inversely on the other axes. The result looks like you are
squashing and stretching your object.
Tip: Type-In dialogs
This tip is pretty huge. If you right-click the Move, Rotate,
or Scale buttons, a type-in dialog will open. This type-in
dialog will show you the position, rotation, or scale
percentage that the object is currently set to. This is
extremely handy when you need exact rotations or
movements. You can also right-click the up and down
buttons to “zero out” the box. This sets the value to zero,
but not having to reach up and type zero in every box can
save you some time. I constantly use the type-in dialog
boxes and usually keep them open but off to the side.
You know that cute little drop-down box by the Scale tool? It's
a handy one. Pick the Rotate tool and rotate your box around
to an odd angle. Now pick your Move tool. Notice how the
move gizmo is still oriented to the left and right views. By
default, Max has this drop-down set to View. Click the arrow
on the drop-down box and select Local.
Figure 2-28: Set
the local axis in
the Reference
Coordinate Sys-
tem drop-down
This will make Max move the object based on the local axes of
the object. Since you rotated the object, the axes for this box
are different from that of the views. Pretty cool, huh? You can
do the same with the Rotate tool. This is particularly useful
for cylinders that you want to rotate on the local axis.
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