Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 18-1:
The ear we are
going to model
This is always a good thing to do. Just take a step back and
look at what you're going to model for a second. Think about
how your polygons are going to flow. Don't stress over it —
just think in terms of flow.
Figure 18-2:
The basic flow
of the ear
The ear is made up of several pretty basic shapes. Worry
about the flow first and everything else will fall into place. The
tragus is that little bit of cartilage that sticks out next to the
hole leading to your inner ear. This is where the whole outer
shape starts. From here we flow up around the helix and down
into the earlobe. This is the easiest way to start the ear
because it sets up the flow for the rest of the ear. This way we
can work outward and move inward.
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