Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
These features include:
A. Find — Quickly find any object by name. If you add a pre-
fix or suffix to your objects, you can search based on that.
A very nice feature for huge scenes.
B. Access to selection sets — We will talk about selection
sets later in this chapter, but simply put they are an
editable grouping of objects given a name. Here you can
select any number of objects within a set.
C. Filter buttons — Filter out objects based on type. If you
don't want to see helpers, cameras, and lights, you don't
have to! Just unpress the button to disable them.
D. Face count — One of my personal favorites is face count.
Every object's face count is right there so you can easily
see which objects might be over the polycount.
All in all, the new Select from Scene dialog is awesome for
managing large scene files.
As with Windows Explorer and other applications, just
hold Ctrl to select multiple objects within the viewport or
Select from Scene dialog.
Next are the Selection Shape and Window Crossing buttons.
Figure 2-21: The
Selection Shape
and Window
Crossing buttons
By default, the Selection Shape button is set to the rectangu-
lar selection. If you click it and drag in your viewport to select
something, you will see a rectangle. Clicking and holding the
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