Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-1
A box is made up of 8 points, 6 polygons, and 12 triangles.
Remember, a triangle is a polygon, but a polygon isn't always a
triangle, as polygons can have many numbers of sides. Each of
the vertices making up a box has an XYZ coordinate. X is left
and right, Y is forward and backward, and Z is up and down.
These three positions tell the program where a vertex is
located. On a higher level, the object itself has a coordinate,
or a “pivot” as 3ds Max calls it. This pivot controls the entire
object and makes moving the object as a whole quite easy. All
of this information is purely used in the background though. If
you don't want to deal with moving a vertex to the 15230 unit
on the x-axis, you don't have to.
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